Wondering Wednesday: Gas vs. Electric
Looking at purchasing kitchen appliances for new construction and you’re unsure on whether to go with a Gas stove or Electric. There are some pros and cons to both options, it just depends on your personality and the way you will use these items. Check out the latest Wondering Wednesday post to see which option is best for your new house, or if you feel you might need a change in your existing house. Just remember, if you’re not set up for a gas stove, you’ll need to have a contractor determine if you’re able to do this in your existing home. Read on to find out if gas or electric is right for you!
Sources | 1. Warners’ Stellian | 2. Warners’ Stellian | 3. Precision Cabinets | 4. Transitional Austin Kitchen | 5. Forum Phi Architecture, Interiors, Planning | 6. Pinney Designs